Sunday, August 24, 2008

Military Free Wallpapers

All U.S. military services have pay grades E-1 through E-9 and Commissioned Officer grades O-1 through O-10; all but the Air Force have Warrant Officer pay grades (W).

Individuals in pay grades O-1, O-2, and O-3 with more than four years in an enlisted and/or warrant grade are paid according to the special pay grades of O-1E, O-2E, and O-3E. This benefit does not affect their rank and is usually not referred to except strictly in matters of pay.

Military Pay Chart
Military Pay Chart


Ukrainian Civil Military
Ukrainian Civil Military

Military Personnel Team Photo
Military Personnel Team Photo

Military Training Wallpaper
Chinese Soldiers in Anhui province baring Chest in Winter Military Training

Military Wallpaper
Military Wallpaper

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Orlando Bloom Pictures

Katana Wallpapers

About is a web based apostolate, directed by the Legionaries of Christ and Regnum Christi Movement, intended to equip Catholics with information to help them build a Christlike character, so that they can engage and transform the culture with the Truth of the Gospel transmitted to us by the Holy Mother Church, which is One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic.

In Answer to our late Pope, John Paul II, aims to form an online Catholic community committed to evangelize the social world by building up the Kingdom of Christ through their Families, Parishes, Dioceses, and general communities. To foster this commitment promotes interaction among Catholics worldwide through information sharing and online interactive tools. Fundamentally serves as an online platform to build synergies among the various apostolic initiatives. is supported by the generosity of its donors, and the invaluable work of its volunteers who are religious and laypersons from congregations and movements faithful to the Magisterium. Most and foremost is made possible by the prayers of our community and of Our Lady of Guadalupe, our patroness, to whom the intentions of this apostolate and of all the people it serves is entrusted.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Dark Knight Movie Wallpapers

The Dark Knight,Batman Movie Wallpaper
The Dark Knight,Batman Movie Wallpaper

Batman the Dark Knight Movie Wallpaper
Batman the Dark Knight Movie Wallpaper

Batman the Dark Knight Movie Wallpaper
Batman the Dark Knight Movie Wallpaper

Batman just seemed just an angry rich kid who did not really get technology too much.
It is intelligent, dark, scary and chaotic.

In fact, it is has plots and sub plots that are not easy to predict. As the Joker (Batman's arch rival puts it), “I am not the scheming kind...I am like a dog chasing a car. If I ever caught one, I would not know what to do with it…introduce chaos…anarchy”.

Incredible Hulk Movie Wallpapers

Incredible Hulk Movie Wallpaper1
Incredible Hulk Movie Wallpaper1

Incredible Hulk Movie Wallpaper2
Incredible Hulk Movie Wallpaper2

The beloved monster has lost his girlfriend. He leads an ordinary life of a daily wager in Portugal. And in the confines of a slum dwelling is experimenting with antidotes for gamma poisoning.

But then such peace is only temporary.

General – the ever faithful villainous Army man is behind him. He has tracked down the Hulk and now he wants to capture him.

Hulk is a failed experiment; if successfully captured then the same gamma ray technology that turned the demure scientist into Hulk, could be used to make an army of humans ‘defending the nation’ with this incredible strength.

But the Hulk is invincible…

So, we have an army officer that during the course of the movie converts into a monster that is scarier and evil…

The drama continues with an awesome fight between Hulk, who now is the Superhero defending his reunited girlfriend, and the Evil monster.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Allods Online PC 3D Game Wallpapers